Quitting smoking is the best thing I’ve ever done for stress reduction. Hands down.

I dont crave cigarettes, I’m not pissy anymore, I dont miss them, I dont think about them. I’m working dilligently on improving my indoor air quality through the use of anti-allergen filtering mediums and HEPA filters and good, old fashioned sweeping/vacuuming.

My morning cough is like 98.99% gone, and I no longer cough up green/black slime.

My relationships are starting to improve – I still get sleepy, but the absolute lethargy that I’d feel while lounging on the couch smoking is gone.

Let me say it again -Quitting smoking has been, by far, the biggest stress reducer I’ve come across since starting this blog.

The extra ~$165/mo isnt bad either. As long as I can remember to invest it, save it, or spend it wisely so that I can continue reducing clutter and useless shit.

Dont believe me? Follow my quitting path, give it 15 days and if you still disagree, feel free to call me a liar.