As a stressed-out twentysomething in the top 1% of wealth worldwide, working less than 40 hours a week at a relatively quiet job for a relatively laid-back employer- I’m looking EVERYWHERE I can to find and eradicate my stressors. I should be chillin’ out maxin. but I’m not. Not yet.

One place I’ve so far neglected to look is my sleep schedule. Probably because I dont care to mess with that. Its the way that it is for a reason. All the good stuff happens late at night, and that’s when I get time to think and work on personal projects. Plus, a little less sleep wont hurt me, right?

But then I started doing some research and found that my sleep is severely lacking. I’m getting about 6.5 hours a night and the CDC recomments 7-9. I started running a smart alarm on my phone to wake me up at the easiest part of my sleep cycle. it also graphs my sleep pattern and estimates my total time spent sleeping. Here’s what the graph looks like:


But this alone is only going to provide me with more insight into my sleep patterns, and allow me to wake up easier. It wont, in itself, get me more sleep.

To do that I’m gonna need good, old-fashioned discipline.
Research also suggests that I should cut out alcohol and nicotine before bed. That might take abit more effort, but its worth a shot.

I have a LAN party this weekend but starting Monday im going to try to start getting a full 8 hours per night. i will update you on how that goes